Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module Four Project

Module Four Project

Q Overview For this assignment, which supports your final project, remember that you are assuming the role of a researcher of human cultures, an anthropologist who is looking from the future back into our world today. In your final project you will analyze a work of human creative expression, describe it, describe its purpose, and assess how creative expression impacts and is impacted by surrounding situations. You will also pose questions about the relationship between culture and expression as well as how values shape and are shaped by expression, and determine how you would go about answering them. In this assignment you will practice asking the questions and determining how to go about answering them. Prompt Given the cultural work you have selected in Module Two, take time to work on the following: 1. Thinking of the work selected, explore how acts of creative expression impact, and are impacted by, the people and situations surrounding them. 2. State questions about the relationship between culture and expression. 3. State questions about your values and how they are shaped by the expression of others. 4. Determine how you would go about answering the questions posed.

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In the first cultural work selected, “Everyday Use,” the creative expressions are impacted by the racism that has been practiced in the United States for centuries now. This short story is influenced by institutionalized racism. It portrays African Americans powerful having an enriched cultural heritage, and it is also inspired by the Black movement, an effort to make African Americans powerful in America. Roman mythology influences the second piece of art. The second piece of cultural heritage is influenced by the mythical story of the twin founders of Rome. Culture and art are intertwined as most of the artwork is influenced by cultural elements and stories.